am/is/are + -ing
- for something happening now
- Please be quiet. I'm working.
- for the future
- Andew is playing tennis tomorrow.
- "I have arranged to do it"
- I'm not going out tonight. I'm staying home.
(am/is/are + -ing) vs. will
- am/is/are + -ing : 계획적
- will: 즉흥적
arrange : "와구(?)를 짜다"
- etymology : "ar- (to, at)" + "range (put in order)"
Present Continuous vs. Simple Present
Present Continuous usually used for people.
Present Continuous for saying "what somebody has arranged to do"
Simple Present for schedules.
Simple Present for schedules, programs, trains, buses etc.
Participle : 특정 개념을 adjective로 사용하기 위해
Accident vs. Incident
Accident | Incident | |
Definition | An unplanned event that results in injury of damage |
A broader term for any event, whether planned or unplanned |
Examples | A car crash, a broken leg, or damage to property | A near miss, an undesired circumstances, or an oil spill |
Auxiliary verb
- can - could : "할 수 있다." - "할 수도 있다." (가능성)
- will - would : "할 것이다." - "할 수도 있다." (의지)
go vs. come
- go : (speaker, listener 로부터) 멀어지다.
- come : (speaker, listener 에게) 가까워지다.
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